Hey Bright Mama!

You're allowed to be human.

That means that you're allowed to be happy, messy, sad, beautiful, crazy smart, and totally complicated. It's all good. This course is a roadmap to articulating the essence of you AND building the structure needed for you to thrive! Remember, when you thrive, your kids do too. Actually everyone does. You're literally acting against generations of programming when you take action to care for yourself. That's work that matters. It's time, my love. This is a self-paced course meant to be revisited as you grow. While it's stand alone, you're never alone. I'm always here to help and answer questions.
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Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome & Introduction
    • Welcome! Tips for success.
    • What You'll Need
    • Technical How-To's
    • Don't Skip This! Your First Exploration!
    • Sample Weekly Calendar
  • 2
  • 3
    Module Two: Strength
    • Module Two Sample Calendar
    • Strength Intro Video
    • Strength Workbook: Lessons 1-3
    • Lesson One: Play to Your Strengths
    • Video: Play to Your Strengths
    • Lesson Two: Making Boundaries Work for You
    • Video: Making Boundaries Work for You
    • Lesson Three: Building Reserves
    • Video: Building Reserves
    • Align: Chakra Two Yoga Practice
  • 4
    Module Three: Simplify
    • Module Three Sample Calendar
    • Simplicity Intro Video
    • Simplify Workbook: Lessons 1-3
    • Lesson One: Inner = Outer
    • Video: Inner = Outer
    • Lesson Two: Setting Your Own Expectations
    • Video: Setting Your Own Expectations
    • Lesson Three: Dealing with Unfinished Business
    • Video: Dealing with Unfinished Business
    • Activate: Chakra Three Yoga Practice
  • 5
    Module Four: Gratitude
    • Module Four Sample Calendar
    • Gratitude Intro Video
    • Gratitude Workbook: Lessons 1-3
    • Lesson One: Be Grateful for It All
    • Video: Be Grateful for It All
    • Lesson Two: Embrace the Present
    • Video: Embrace the Present
    • Lesson Three: Kindness Rocks!
    • Video: Kindess Rocks!
    • Soften: Chakra Four Yoga Practice
  • 6
    Module Five: Support
    • Module Five Sample Calendar
    • Support Intro Video
    • Support Workbook: Lessons 1-3
    • Lesson One: Recharge You!
    • Video: Recharge You!
    • Lesson Two: Enlisting the Village
    • Video: Enlisting the Village
    • Lesson Three: Keep it Going!
    • Video: Keep Growing!
    • Attune: Chakra Five Yoga Practice
  • 7
    *Bonus Material*
    • Simplify Bonus: Keep or Clear
    • Simplify Bonus: Use What You Have
    • Intuitive Feng Shui Coach: Jen Heilman Interview
    • Feng Shui Basics: The Bagua and Your Home
    • Getting Support: A Talk with Megan Roop of Quiet Adventures


  • Cara Maclean, MA

    Cara Maclean, MA


    I know how much of a difference it makes to our kids when we take care of ourselves. Yes, when you make yourself a priority, the positive ripple effect is amazing. Through my own experience raising gifted & challenging children to being a coach and educator, I know that THIS is how we change the world. I help parents of gifted/twice exceptional children navigate the wild journey and thrive along the way. After all, roller coasters are supposed to be fun, right? As for details, I have a Masters in Sociology from the University of Washington and been a coach and educator for years. I believe stepping out of the old role of motherhood will shift our families (and the world) toward healthy, vibrant relationships that heal. Imagine a world where everyone values their unique difference (AND that of everyone else!). I'm also a registered yoga teacher, which informs much of my coaching and personal practices. The body and mind connection gets disregarded in our culture, but it holds the key to true health and wellness. I won't make you do yoga, but I'll probably suggest it. ;)